No matter your reason for exploring part-time employment, utilizing an employment agency can help you navigate this process with ease. Many companies are looking for part-time employees—we can help you connect with them! Read on to learn the benefits of using an employment agency when searching for part-time work.
Submit Preferences
Most employment agencies allow you to submit your work preferences, such as full-time or part-time, available hours, preferred fields, and more! If you are unsure about what you want to do with part-time employment, we can work with you to figure out if you should take on a more intense role, or perhaps something with less stress. Our employment agency can help you narrow your search to find something desirable for you. Don’t just say yes to the first opening you see, let us help find the right fit for you.
Have Time to Earn on the Side
Because you will only be working part-time, you will have room to pursue other hobbies or careers that might interest you more. This gives you the chance to earn a steady income while finding out what truly appeals to you. You never know what careers you’ll pursue down the road, so it’s smart to have a source of income while seeing what’s in store for your future.
Transition from Part-Time to Full-Time
There is always the possibility that a part-time position
could turn into a full-time position. Depending on the company, they could be
testing employees out before taking the leap to offer them a full-time spot!
Not all companies are looking to hire full-time, but in some cases, if you
prove yourself to be a valuable asset for the company, they might not want to
let you go! There is also the possibility that while a company does not have
money for a full-time position at the moment, they could in the future.
Are you looking for part-time job placement in Buffalo, NY? Look no further! Give Staffing Solutions of WNY a call today to see how our employment agency can help you.
Retirees are often trying to find part-time job opportunities to have extra income and to keep themselves active throughout retirement. The right (and best) job for a retiree is always going to be the one that matches their skills, and lifestyle goals. There are some things retirees can do to increase their odds of finding the right part-time job. Here are a few tips on how to land the right part-time job.
While the idea of a retirement filled with beaches, sleeping in, and world-travel sounds amazing, the truth is a lot of seniors find it necessary to find some type of part time job placement to keep up with their individual lifestyles, as well as keep themselves occupied. Here are a few reasons obtaining a part time job may help you after retirement.
1. Additional Income
It never hurts to have a little extra money to put away or spend each month. The necessity of a part time job is largely dependent upon the state of your current savings account and what type of retirement plan has been put into place during your lifetime of work. Keep in mind that if you use an IRA to save for retirement and you’re 50 or older by the end of the year, then you can currently put $6,500 into those types of accounts, and $7,000 for 2019. If you are under 50, you may contribute up to $6,000 in 2019 and $5,500 for 2018.
2. Flexibility
Side jobs and part time job placement are generally pretty flexible, which gives you the autonomy to choose what sorts of projects you take on. This includes opportunities such as freelance work, which allows you to evade the gigs that conflict with other important things in your life, such as family, friends, and vacation time. At the same time, maybe you have nieces, nephews, or grandchildren that require a helping hand with practices, school projects, rides, and much more.
3. Reverse Retirement
Recently, a large number of retirees have fallen into reverse retirement. In other words, they quit their life of leisure and go back to work either part time or full time. According to a recent Federal Reserve Board study , reverse retirement affects about one third of those who retire. Having a back-up part time job in place at your current company for when you retire can provide you with the chance to pick up a few extra hours doing that same work during retirement. It’s relatively easy to pick up work with your old clients, even if that means contributing a few hours here and there. This also allows you to stay in the swing of things in case the scenario arises that you need to go back to work full time.
4. Stay Social & Active
Part time job placement provides social interaction and keeps your brain alert and active. You’ve developed a plethora of skills over your lifetime. It’s important to keep your mind active and contribute this skillset where you can.
If you are interested in considering a side job, give Staffing Solutions of WNY a call today. Our recruiting agency can help you find a job post-retirement that suits your skillset.